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بزرگى آفریننده در اندیشه‏ات ، آفریده را خرد مى‏نمایاند در دیده‏ات . [نهج البلاغه]
پنج شنبه 95 آذر 11 , ساعت 5:35 صبح


برای دریافت پروژه اینجا کلیک کنید

مقاله A Survey upon Morphology and Spatial Dynamics of Shahreدرrey suburb, Verification of Expanding Tourism, Pilgrimage and Ecotourism in Tehran Province تحت فایل ورد (word) دارای 10 صفحه می باشد و دارای تنظیمات در microsoft word می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است

فایل ورد مقاله A Survey upon Morphology and Spatial Dynamics of Shahreدرrey suburb, Verification of Expanding Tourism, Pilgrimage and Ecotourism in Tehran Province تحت فایل ورد (word) کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.

این پروژه توسط مرکز مرکز پروژه های دانشجویی آماده و تنظیم شده است

توجه : در صورت  مشاهده  بهم ریختگی احتمالی در متون زیر ،دلیل ان کپی کردن این مطالب از داخل فایل ورد می باشد و در فایل اصلی مقاله A Survey upon Morphology and Spatial Dynamics of Shahreدرrey suburb, Verification of Expanding Tourism, Pilgrimage and Ecotourism in Tehran Province تحت فایل ورد (word) ،به هیچ وجه بهم ریختگی وجود ندارد

بخشی از متن مقاله A Survey upon Morphology and Spatial Dynamics of Shahreدرrey suburb, Verification of Expanding Tourism, Pilgrimage and Ecotourism in Tehran Province تحت فایل ورد (word) :

سال انتشار: 1392
محل انتشار: اولین همایش ملی گردشگری، جغرافیا و محیط زیست پایدار
تعداد صفحات: 10

The regeneration of urban suburb space by the shahre-rey suburb themselves from the mid-1370‘s until today within southern tehran especially has attracted attention by academics, policy makers, and the media. The rapid build-up accompanied a substantial population increase, a transformed local economy, and the extreme densification of inhabited shahre-rey suburb space. The new residents were and remain with rural resident status, as is the case for most of the city‘s immigrant population in the case of Tehran. Studies on the urban shahre-rey suburb over the past ten years have focussed upon legalistic and structural aspects, as well as the social outcomes of shahre-rey suburb-led redevelopment. Studies on the morphology of shahre-rey suburbs, their spatial and economic linkage with the city, and their internal spatial dynamics are, in comparison, limited in number and scope. This study of shahre-rey suburb space in the new central area of Tehran focusses upon the spatial relationships between shahre-rey suburb space and the surrounding city—the exchange of people and goods, the movement system in relation to commercial activity, and the relationship between the pattern of building and movement networks—as a primer for new approaches to physical renewal. Primary field data, interviews, and archival research support the analysis of Shahre-rey shahre-rey suburb, in particular. It was found that Shahre-rey plays a significant role in transport and economy at the district and central city level. The internal movement system functions to connect surrounding areas while supporting a commercial and services system of local and district-level significance. The built form of the shahre-rey suburb is also self-generated by location and internal rule making. The physical and activity patterns of the self-rebuilt shahre-rey suburb exhibit the characteristics of emergent spontaneous order. as a total conclusion, this point is remarkable that a collective program have to be exerted for expanding and progress of some places that have been encountered with both migration and ecotourism problem. Totally, Shahre-rey is advanced and is mentioned as a good place for pilgrimage, tourism, ecotourism and migration. as a result, the migration and pilgrimage and ecotourism to Shahre-rey is benefited and should be noticed and progressed.



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